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Tahoe Maritime Foundation provides support to maritime activities, history & education.

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Tahoe Maritime Foundation Grant Report

Virtual Reality Experience at ABM

Ride the River – Miss Thousand Islands III


As an institution chartered by the New York State Department of Education, the Antique Boat Museum provides instruction and education to school kids and teachers through partnerships, programming, and experiential learning opportunities. Our focus is on display and interactivity that provides a public understanding regarding the cultural and historical development of boating and recreating in and around the Thousand Islands region. Thanks to the Tahoe Maritime Foundation, ABM was able to create a Virtual Reality Experience (VRE) and install 9 VR Goggles, a sanitization and recharging station, along with the required software and a Wi-Fi router to give visitors the virtual experience of going out in an antique wooden boat on the St. Lawrence River.


As one of its experiential programs, ABM offers a 45-minute ride on a traditional triple cockpit runabout.  Results of a survey for those who participated in the VRE two of the most common reasons people give at admissions for why they do not go out on the ride are the weather and concerns about getting in and out of the boat. After working with RedStraw Media, we were able to condense the 45-minute ride into a 10-minute 360-degree video that highlights landmarks along the route including Calumet Island, Thousand Islands Park, and the site of the Frontenac Hotel Fire of 1911 on Round Island. Initial impressions were that this would appeal to the younger generation and while they were interested, it was a huge hit with the 55 and over age group that visited the Museum and specifically became a highlight on Group Tours which ABM hosted 67 of in 2024.  Accessibility continues to be a push for ABM’s visitor experience and we are currently exploring how to make a 360-degree video of our 106-foot houseboat La Duchesse which we give 30-minute guided tours aboard, but due to its historic nature, is not ADA-accessible.


The VRE would not have been possible without the grant support provided by the Tahoe Maritime Foundation.  Thank you for making a difference in our visitor’s experience.

VRE Ride the River Survey Results 2024


5. Do you have any limitations that deter you from trying the real ride or getting on a boat?


  1. Sometimes

  2. No

  3. Weather

  4. No

  5. We have done the real ride twice and hope to do it again this visit.

  6. Time in this visit

  7. Rain

  8. No, just the weather permitting

  9. Already did a similar boat ride to Boldt Castle

  10. None

  11. No

  12. No

  13. Yes

  14. Just distance from the museum

  15. No

  16. No

  17. No

  18. No


6. How can we improve this experience? Other thoughts you would like to share? What do you want to see next?

  1. Cost for adults is high

  2. Engine maintenance

  3. Amazing!!!!!!

  4. The virtual ride is amazing and really well done. It can’t replace the real one but if one isn’t able to do the real one, this is a great second choice. Well done!

  5. The VR was absolutely amazing

  6. It was wonderful

  7. Could hear other's sound playing which made hearing my sound challenging.  Very cool though.

  8. I would like to see Alexandria Bay

  9. It was excellent! Now I’m getting a ticket

  10. Very informative!

  11. Wipes to clean the mask of the VR goggles after done

  12. This was cool!


ABM Sailing Staff testing out VRE Headset with Curator/Collections Manager Caitlin Playle.


Silver Wheels Group Tour trying out the VRE Ride the River on a rainy day.

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